Get on with it!

It is one of my attempts at poetry. I am honestly not sure if I have done a good job here, though i sure can be better! It is inspired by the writings of Felicity Johns


We held hands and laughed with each other
We fell in love here, remember?
Memories of those days remain vivid in my mind
Until they start blurring with the happenings that were unkind

And then silence – like you hold right now – until the moment I crack
Days pass and weeks just go by as I pretend to be normal and hold my tears back
Your rejection or may be indifference, not sure which hurts the most
But now I must snap out of it and draw it to a close

I spent important moments of my life waiting for you
A substantial period, just thinking about us two
Its time to stop, take my life ahead
Take total control of it and steer it with a clear head

It feels impossible – how do I just detach from someone held so dear?
The friend in me gives me no choice as she lays it out in terms very clear –
‘Someday, and someday soon you have to reach there young lady
Till then the golden mantra is ‘fake it till you make it baby!’

Standing Alone…

standing in the storm..

So here we are, at the end of our road
and all our dreams long foregone
I silently walked away
And you never noticed that I was gone

A storm rages ahead of me
As I find my way under the turbulent sky
And now I’m standing here alone
Holding my head up high

There’s no need now for you to say a word
We have already drifted so far away
I hope you’re on your way, sailing free
And that you think of me each day

(adapted from In This Moment ~ Standing Alone)


Does the romance in a relationship die after a certain period?
When you are married for a long time, do you start taking your partner for granted?
Well, that is the claim most of the wives make! 🙂
My standard response to this is – Define romance.

I don’t make any claim. The husband never wrote me poems, he never brought me flowers, and he didn’t give me surprises like a diamond ring or an exotic holiday. He never gave me greeting cards (except a couple of times – I think), never wrote me long letters.
Frankly, I never expected him to. Small things like holding my hand when walking on the street, trying to cook a simple dish of daal and rice or offering to dine out when I get held up at office (though, whenever I ask him what he wants to eat, he always says ‘masala dosa’. To which the standard response is rolling my eyes), never making a fuss about the dinner I cook and never being picky about food, giving me a stupid smile and hugging me when I yell at him for making a mess in the house (this hasn’t changed in past 6 years of our marriage) and then making excuses and pointing out how much mess I make too!
Even thinking about it makes me laugh.
Every marriage goes through ups and downs. And we went through our downs, yeah we did! But we climbed back up..
There are still times when we don’t talk to each other in the evening when we get back from work, or are very tired and frustrated with the way the day went. There are times when we sleep with our backs to each other.
But the best part is – in spite of whatever happened the day before, when I wake up in the morning I have his arms around me and my head cradled in the nook of his shoulder – always!
For me, this is romance. And it hasn’t died for us!

You must be wondering why this talk of romance?
A colleague of mine Ismail asked my help to refine a poem he was writing for his fiancée (ooooh…. How romantic!!!! Yeah. Yeah.)
Since, I am officially taking care of the communications for a project; people think I am capable of editing – things – for them. Well, the poor guy had such ‘romantic’ intentions that I didn’t want to spoil it for him. So I agreed.
I have done some refinement in his originally written poem but the thought flow remains his..
Here goes..

I never had this feeling before, so it keeps me guessing..
After seeing you, my heart beats always go missing..

You’re on my mind all the time..
The only one who’s making my world rhyme..

We share this lovely song
And I just wish it goes on and on and on…

When I first saw you I found the melody
I slowly filled in the lyrics to find the serenity

It’s the song of two hearts meeting
A serendipity which is worth everything!

When I sing this tune, everything seems to freeze
My heart beats form the rhythm and lets the world around cease

Slowly and steadily my life’s priorities are changing
The world seems beautiful and life seems amazing!

It is the song of showering love, so tender
Sweetheart, let’s loose the constraint & live in splendour

I look forward to our new life that has now begun
Mesmerised by the new found rhythm, as two hearts beat as one..

walk with me….

I have never, ever written a poem. I can just make up lines ending with rhyming words – sometimes.
I was seeing some pictures this evening and one of them compelled me to write a few lines.
They don’t make any sense, really. But since I have taken 10 minutes worth the effort, why not take a little more and post them?? 🙂

The land is barren
But the sky is blue,
There are clouds laden
And it is such a beautiful view!

As I stand alone
Looking at the sky,
I think of you
And the moments gone by.

I wish you were here
Standing beside me,
So I could hold your hand
And say, “walk with me..”

And this is the picture that made me think of these lines…..


I read it on FB. now THIS is something you post over FB than your daily diary. what a lovely thought..!!
thank you!! whoever you are for writing this beautiful poem!!

If a kiss were a raindrop, I’d send you showers.
If hugs were a second, I’d send you hours.
If smiles were water, I’d send you the sea.
If love was a person, I’d send you me.
If I had to choose whether to breathe or to love you,
I would use my last breath to tell you – I love you.
They say you only fall in love once, but that can’t be true…
I fall in love all over again, every time I look at you!